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Latest In Logo Design, Branding, and Digital Media

Typesetting: The Art Of Placing Text On A Page

Mastering which fonts to use is merely the first of many steps that go into graphic designing. You also need to learn about tracking, kerning and leading among other elements ...

26 Mar 2018

Why Car Finance Logos Are Blue Or Green?

Importance Of Color Psychology Any graphic designer or marketing professional worth their salt will tell you the importance of colors in marketing and branding. Colors convey a specific message to ...

Car Finance Logo
15 Mar 2018

10 Unusual Ways To Grow Your Website Traffic

If you’re here right now reading this, it means you have supposedly tried just about everything in your power to attract traffic over to your website. We completely sympathize with you ...

Grow Website Traffic
12 Mar 2018

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These are instructions-based content where you get to know the step-by-step process of creating or making something. Our how-to articles address topics such as logo design, brand identity design, choosing color schemes, or even creating marketing strategies, among many others.

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If you are looking for in-depth research, analysis, and practical guides on branding and other related areas, our eBooks are great resources. We have titles on branding, logo design, website design, and more, to help entrepreneurs and designers helpful professional insight.

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