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Latest In Logo Design, Branding, and Digital Media

Nailing The Design Elements Of Sports Logos

In contrast to the variety of our contemporary sports, ancient Romans used to have a brutal taste for athletics. There would be armor-clad strong gladiators battling hungry lions ...

Sports Logos
3 Jul 2018

The Art Of Alignment In Graphic Design

Alignment in graphic design isn’t a new principle; it’s the foundation upon which your design stands and appears attractive to the viewers. In simple terms, alignment refers to the ...

Alignment in Graphic Design
19 Jun 2018

7 Habits of Truly Happy Designers

Good habits, bad habits, sober mind, drunk thoughts, and plenty ideas. When things like these cross a designer’s mind, he can’t help but cope up with his life before he ...

Habits of Truly Happy Designers
12 Jun 2018

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These are instructions-based content where you get to know the step-by-step process of creating or making something. Our how-to articles address topics such as logo design, brand identity design, choosing color schemes, or even creating marketing strategies, among many others.

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If you are looking for in-depth research, analysis, and practical guides on branding and other related areas, our eBooks are great resources. We have titles on branding, logo design, website design, and more, to help entrepreneurs and designers helpful professional insight.

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