Whether a business owner plans to create a website for a new day spa or promote nail art designs in a brochure, using the right color schemes is essential. A home page and logo are the first things that users see on a business website. Startups that specialize in beauty products or services operate as businesses as well. This means that the color schemes they use must not only reflect their branding, it must also inspire the right kind of emotions in people.
Of course, the final product should be aesthetically pleasing as well. The selection of the right color schemes is one of the biggest challenges of web design. What kind of color pallet might make an audience stay on a web page long enough? Can the colors on a business card entice a person to get a facial or buy a nail cream from a beauty business? What kind of color pallet can look great on a product brochure? If you want to color your brand, this color guide might give you some inspiration –
Source: eventkind.com, rubysspasalon.com, pinterest.com, w3layouts.com, salonmagazine.ca, colorlib.com, imgarcade.com, etsy.com