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Myths Vs. Truths About A Logo Maker

Most of the times, a logo is one of the first visual symbols a company creates during the initial stages of planning. Think about legendary brands such as Starbucks, ...

Myths Truths logo maker
11 Apr 2017

The Guide To Visual Content

Unless you are dwelling in the cave age, it’s impossible that you are oblivious to the buzzword “Visual content”! The term seems to be reverberating everywhere these days. ...

Visual Content
16 Feb 2017

The Rise And Fall Of The Digital Pioneer Yahoo!

Verizon's recent $4.8 billion acquisition of Yahoo is an epic climax to the change the Sunnyvale, Calif., company has been experiencing in its history spanning over two decades. Yahoo has ...

25 Jan 2017
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How To Articles

These are instructions-based content where you get to know the step-by-step process of creating or making something. Our how-to articles address topics such as logo design, brand identity design, choosing color schemes, or even creating marketing strategies, among many others.

Branding eBooks

If you are looking for in-depth research, analysis, and practical guides on branding and other related areas, our eBooks are great resources. We have titles on branding, logo design, website design, and more, to help entrepreneurs and designers helpful professional insight.

Community Guides

Design and branding articles and resources for community members with disabilities, learning challenges, and other special needs. These resources are designed to help them give access to information and knowledge that improves their digital and real-life experiences.