While creativity is what nurtures and keeps the human society flourishing, science offers little if any answers as to how the infinitely complex and intricate minds of creative people function. Call them wacky, call them crazy, or call them outright gaga, there are things about creative thinkers that elude the comprehension of non-creative beings. There is something that makes them so charming and irresistible and something that makes them see the world with a different set of eyes than ours.
No matter how much research you invest into grasping and measuring the vital phenomenon, it appears as if more questions appear out of thin air than we can find tangible answers for. What makes creative people so ingenious? How come they stumble upon discoveries that have been lying in oblivion in front of our eyes for ages? Such inexplicable behavior leaves us simultaneously in wonder and awe.
10 Cosas Que Tal Vez No Conozcas Acerca De La Creatividad (Spanish Version)
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So here we come once again to unearth the milder mysteries of human nature and reveal what most have strived so hard to unveil. After coming to grips with creative geniuses all the time and keeping a close scrutiny, we have come to notice a few things of our own. As quotes on creativity by celebrated veterans would tell you, there are things nobody knows about creative people or secrets about what heightens their creativity, perhaps not even creative individuals themselves. Here are 10 facts about creative thinkers that we bet you didn’t know about! (If you did, we have the next Pablo Picasso in the making).