Branding is an integral part of any business; research shows that every successful business has its foundation laid on its unique brand. Brand is a major part of your marketing plan. The purpose is to make it easier for the customers to relate your brand to the particular product or service that you are to offer them. Similarly your company name, logo and brand are not just mere symbols but the picture that comes to the customers’ mind when they require the service or product you offer. It engages their attention and attraction.Creating a brand is not where you win, it takes more than that. Sermonize your brand logo; exhort it to your target market as much as it takes. Before doing so what you need to do is understand that a logo and brand is important even for a small store so as to satisfy your investments because it might reach to quite a number of zeros.
Source: ThinkStock/Vaeenma
Brands enable customers to remember your product or service, and that is where logo and branding work together. A brand consists of many components that must all integrate into a seamless, functional whole. We, humans are fond of remembering most of what we see; what we see somehow stays in our subconscious. For that simple reason, companies that want their branding to succeed put a lot of effort and huge amounts of money into making a logo. Widely, logos are considered the most important component of a branding strategy or campaign. Importance of logo in branding can be further simplified as:
A brand doesn’t only need to have a logo, but as a matter of fact, a massive component of it turning out to be the touch point for the customers. The ability to be noticeable, to be remembered by customers, and to be the representation of the product and company are all discerning elements of a good branding strategy. These are also functions that a good logo can be used for.
Source: ThinkStock/DaddyBit
Brands build customer loyalty and lead to repeat purchases. It resides within the hearts and minds of the customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot. You need to understand the underlying needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact. These three cues might help you understand better about creating brand loyalty.
Source: BuildBridgeBond
Source: AglocoBanners
This is about making your brand talk-able. Brands make it easier for current clients or customers to refer your brand to others. It is very well known that advertising is not a trustworthy marketing tactic as much as word-of-mouth, which makes it important that your brand should create positive impact on the customers. To accomplish these two simple tasks, first of all convey to the customers your importance and why your business is unique. You need to tell them why your brand is exciting and how it is more important than any other brand. Once you are done with the story telling, then start the task of listening.Listen to your customers always, and make sure that your brand has a starring role in the conversations of your customers. Listen to them however and whenever possible. Find ways to connect with them to collect their feedback more often.
Brands add value! By this, I mean add something different to your service that no one in the market is offering. For that, you need to go the extra mile and do something so spectacular which is not part of your business. Go out of your routine to serve the customers by keeping them your highest priority. Whether it’s through unique offerings like a custom canvas prints or exceptional customer service, always strive to stand out. Be in sight of your customers as often as possible to remind them about your values and work strategically with them. Your customers should always be convinced that you are the best in providing that certain product or service. Reward customer loyalty and keep trying new, innovative ideas.The above mentioned pointers can help you keep your existing customers while reaching out to the new ones, creating a bigger clientele for you. What other reasons can you think of that makes branding important for your business? Let us know in the comment section below.
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Branding is an integral part of the business building process. Large corporations spend hundreds of millions of dollar building their brand. But you don't need to ignore branding just because you feel that you cannot afford it.
Wonderful blog & good post. It is really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
Good post. Branding is main thing in business. Creating corporate identity, branding strategy as per business is the main activity in branding.