First comes the logo, next comes the product, and then comes the brand process and the success package.
Does this rhyme remind you of something? Yes, yes, it’s the corporate version of the childhood rhyme everyone used to keep humming around. The logo usually comes at the end, but as the childhood poem goes, the logo is the first thing one sees, after which products and other things come into the mind.
Customers around the world recognize brands and companies via their logos. These logo designs are the symbol of identification and recognition for the audience. For business of every size and shape out there, branding is an opportunity that can be availed well by delivering the first impression i.e. your logo.
But there are many businesses out there that don’t need a logo because they’re self-sufficient and can take care of their brand image. Let’s get this straight: A strong brand establishes firm grounds and get its priorities in order. They make their move by delivering the best impression and etch their image in the consumer’s mind. It proves the quality of work and the effort they’ve put into their branding process.
And if you get a logo that’s professional, elegant, and FREE, would you miss this life-time opportunity? Bet you won’t! Stay tuned before we reveal the free logo part. For now, let’s discuss why your business needs a good logo design.
Is it a coinkidink or a cleverly planned strategy that most of the companies in the food industry use red in their logos? Depending on the color psychology, companies use various colors to indicate their brand message. Down below are the images of brands conveying their brand messages effectively.
Even if you don’t use colors, there’s no problem. Your logo must envelop the main concepts of your business, or it should simply present as a mystery for the audience. Both ways work well. A logo has a language of its own, provided that you give it a voice to speak up!
If your 3-year-old is obsessed with Cheerios, that’s not his fault. The product is just too addicting! Children of younger ages rely more on observation and brand psychology plays them well. As they grow older, their familiarity with the product becomes stronger and they prove to be loyal customers.
The logos serve as a bridge that fills the gap between customer loyalty and business value. The hard work pays off once the sowed seed becomes a fruitful tree after continuous efforts.
How awkward would it seem if a good company doesn’t have a logo or has a logo which falls short to add the professional touch? As horrible as it sounds, it might be true for most of the cases. Your logo is a stimulus; it’s a call to action that makes people want to approach your business.
When you design a logo that balances the weight, meaningfulness, and equilibrium of all the components, you tend to develop a powerful logo that your audience can’t resist. Each aspect of the term ‘professional’ must fit right into the logo design.
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Since your logo is your company’s public face, it must have a story written all over it. But that doesn’t mean that you should actually scribble words on top of your logo design. That would complicate it further. Storytelling is an art, master of which are few.
Consider BMW’s logo, for example. In just a flash, you know that it’s an automobile logo and then a train of thoughts loaded with the images of cars and the manufacturing plant starts crossing your mind. This, my friend, is how a story is told without a word being uttered.
If you’re a business striving out in the world and is finding ways to break through the rut, your logo might be the savior you need. It exposes you to the world and fills you with the sense of the industry and the market. And that is why your logo should be defined, simple, and sophisticated. All your marketing practices should focus on a consistent logo design that you value most.
Don’t worry if they don’t accept you at start; a lasting romance usually develops gradually.
To be honest, it’s a problem confronted by most companies. They ditch the logo thinking that it’s redundant and expensive. That, however, isn’t accurate. Ergo a variety of contradictions and controversies in this aspect are obvious.
Big brands might keep selling their products because they’re giants and they’re pouring in cash to keep rolling the market. It’s an excuse every small business would give, some part of which may be a bitter truth. But since you’re a small or medium-sized business (SMB), you don’t have to feel so little. You can make yourself recognized in many ways.
As strange as it sounds, it would be some lucky business that wouldn’t need a logo. No one wants a logo that doesn’t work for them, but everyone would like to have one that gives them the whole package. The businesses that are put off logos usually have experienced a defective logo, poor design strategies, and an amateur hires that ruin the brand image.
We understand. It’s better to not have a logo when it couldn’t bring your company any good. But what about a logo that gives you everything? Now is the part where we would reveal the FREE logo surprise. If it’s a good logo you’re looking for, then you’ve reached the right place.
It comes as no surprise at all when there are so many logo makers out there. But what’s that? Is that a bird, a balloon, or a plane? It’s nothing up there except the DesignMantic’s free logo maker. You can choose from a variety of logo designs, make different logos to your heart’s content, and only pay for the one you choose.
What’s more, the steps aren’t rocket science. It’s just three steps that even a 3-year-old could follow. Choose a design, customize it the way you like, and download the one you like (at a small fee).
Still dubious about trying it out? Grab some courage and hear this:
In the case of businesses, the words may sometimes fall short to express the brand message. At this point, the logos rescue the brand from retrograding. Before deciding to get a logo, a business might consider the reasons why it should get a logo. Mulling over can help clear the fog of confusion and help the business choose the logo for its sustenance and prosperity.
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