Logo Design

DIY Logo Design Trends To Watch For In 2015

Things change. And so do people’s taste and preferences. What was once in vogue, doesn’t stay that way forever. Brands…

10 years ago

How Not To Fall For The Logo Design Taboos In 2015

Logo is arguably the true representation of a brand. It is the easiest way to recognize a company and distinguish…

10 years ago

The Truth Behind The Taglines: Say it like it is!

A good logo is the best impression of a Brand. And when a tagline goes with it, it really conveys…

10 years ago

Golden Ratio: Nature’s Key To Perfect Design!

Known around the globe as the Golden Ratio, the divine proportion, Golden Mean or the Golden Section, it is a…

10 years ago

Hispanic, Caucasian and Afro-American – The Design Gap

As a business owner, if you’ve never had the chance to work with a graphics or logo designer, chances are…

11 years ago