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Why Marketers Aren’t Apt For Branding Positions? -

Where everyone is confused about branding is for experience or appearance, there’s another common misunderstanding in the business field. Branding and marketing are two very closely related fields. It has been witnessed that businesses hire marketers for branding jobs. This practice is not good at all. In fact, it can cause businesses face adversities. When branding is done by a marketer then the emphasis is mostly in return on investment (ROI). Whereas, branding is all about emotions, promise and experiences.

“The old saying ‘half of my marketing is wasted, I just don’t know which half’ is still true. It’s not like we don’t have plenty of tools, we do. The main problem is that People buy based on emotions, then justify their decisions rationally”

– Gerardo A. D.


In his LinkedIn Pulse article. This is why branding positions should always be filled by brand managers or branding professionals and not marketers.

In the business field it is also noticed that marketers who run branding campaigns are more focused on influencing the consumer rather than going for the subtle approach. A brand manager or branding expert always use effective ways to grow in consumers’ mind.

“Brands must stop interrupting what consumers are interested in and become what they are interested in. Influencer Marketing platforms is one of the most efficient and effective ways to do just that.”

– David Beebee

Source: 5 Things Marketers Need To Know About Influencer Marketing

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